Entrevista a Christina Roosen, Chief International Officer Barcelona Health Hub, que participará en el panel Digital Health de #InsuranceChallenges19.
COI. What does “digital health” mean?
Ch. R. Digital Health means providing better health outcomes through digital services. This can be many things from increased data sharing, new technologies used in health such as AI, virtual reality or blockchain and involving & caring for patients via digital tools, such as telemedicine.
COI. What are the digital technologies that are breaking strongest in this transformation?
Ch. R. There are several but I would mention 3 in particular. Blockchain, AI and Telemedicine are some of the top technologies that have the potential to revolutionize healthcare delivery and services. However, in order for practically any new technology to be successful, quality & structured data is required in a safe manner. Therefore, organisations need to consider how they can have access to such data as the technology might fail if there is not access to enough quality data and they need to secure the data.
COI. How do patients benefit? How is the digital ecosystem advancing between companies and startups? What do insurtech/starup contribute?, Do you think there is a good understanding to be able to promote digital health transformation?
Ch. R. Health is a booming field for entrepreneurs and companies as it has been an industry which for many reasons was behind in its digital transformation, compared to other industries. Patients now want to take charge of their own health and technology can enable that. Hence why companies like Amazon and Google are now investing heavily in the health sector as patients/consumers want an alternative to the traditional health system.
Could it be resistances for the application of some of the new digital technologies by regulatory bodies in some countries? How is the situation at the moment? As technology develops faster than the system, then there will always be some regulatory challenges for the system to keep up, especially if a company is operating in more than one country. However, countries and organisations are working hard on harmonizing standards on a regional/global level, such as the new European GDPR legislation.
COI. What is Barcelona Health Hub, and how can it contribute to accelerate digital health?
Ch. R. Barcelona Health Hub is an initiative to gather the brightest and most innovative companies and organisations in digital health under the same roof, in one of the most beautiful venues in the world. We believe that together, we can do much more towards accelerating the digital transformation in health towards better outcomes.
COI. You will intervene as an expert in Insurance World Challenges 19, what reasons do you see to attend this event?
Ch.R. Insurance companies are a key component in delivering better health outcomes. I think the event is a fantastic tool to discuss & educate decision makers in the leading innovation possibilities in health so that insurance companies can offer better health solutions to their clients.