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¿Sirven las redes sociales para el negocio asegurador?: Interview to Chris Andrew, Managing Director UK and Europe Hearsay Social.


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ChrisAndrews400¿Cómo utilizar las redes sociales en el negocio asegurador?

Chris Andrew sabe cómohacerlo y nos lo explicará en Insurance World Distribution Challenges, la cita internacional de los aseguradores y brokers.

Chris Andrew dirige una de las redes sociales más importantes con aplicaciones concretas para la acción comercial de agentes independientes de los Estados Unidos y Brokers de Gran Bretaña y Europa.

Su intervención en Insurance World Distribution Challenges nos ilustrará muy bien sobre la forma de utilizar las redes sociales para la atención al cliente, detectar sus necesidades o incluso promover espacios colaborativos.

Nos descubrirá también sobre lo que empresas aseguradoras están haciendo en el campo de las redes sociales.

Una intervención en clave innovadora, diferente e interesante para todos los que asistan al evento que tendrá lugar en Madrid, el 5 de noviembre.

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COI. Regarding your participation at the Insurance World Distribution Challenges 2015, could you please give us some ideas about your speech “Disruptive innovation and new opportunities in the Insurance Industry”.

ChA. The internet is now more than 20 years old, which means that there is a growing population of the financial industry’s customer base (anyone under 40) who will have spent their entire social and working lives immersed in technology.  These “digital natives” have been raised with 24/7 access to information that is readily available via a Smartphone, Tablet or computer.  Financial issues and questions that once required the advice of a certified profesional can now be answered with a click on any digitally-enabled device.  While access alone does not ensure that the information will be accurate, today’s customers are armed with more information today than ever before.  My speech will focus on new consumer expectations and the opportunity to benefit from this shift.

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COI. What are the main challenges, changes and opportunities that Insurance Industry will face within in the next years?


  1. Changes in customer expectations and behaviors
  2. Demographic shifts and the transfer of wealth
  3. New technologies and the robo-advisor / direct model threat


COI. Can you tell us three reasons not to miss the Conference Insurance World Distribution Challenges 2015?


–       Discover and understand the biggest trends, threats and opportunities facing the insurance industry.
–       Great networking with some of the top insurance companies in the world.
–       Shared insights and learnings of how other companies are innovating and dealing with change in insurance.


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