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Entrevista a Dr. Renko Dirksen Executive Board member of ARAG SE


Entrevistamos a Marià Rigau, CEO de ARAG

[vc_row][vc_column][ad id=»26553″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]renko_dirksenEntrevista a Dr. Renko Dirksen Executive Board of ARAG SE, responsible de desarrollo de ARAG Group que participará en el Evento Insurance World Distribution Challenges el 24 de Noviembre en Madrid

COIRegarding your participation at the Insurance World Distribution Challenges 2016, could you please give us some ideas about your conference speech “A way to benefit from market innovations”?

R.D. We are currently experiencing a quite challenging environment in the global insurance market. Low interest rates put even greater emphasis on operational excellence and leaps in technology allow innovations to come to market much more quickly. Consequentially, we have to review our traditional ways of doing things, so as to not get leapfrogged and spot those ideas that add value to our products and aid our customers.

Thus our presentation will focus on market innovation and its influence on the insurance sector, as well as the opportunities we see in the areas of communication & sales, product & innovation & claims management, as well as new business models.

COI. What are the main challenges, changes and opportunities that the insurance industry will face within in the next years?

R.D. We currently see 3 key challenges:

  • In addition to the traditional competition between existing insurers there is a variety of new players from outside the insurance sector entering the market by solving some of the customer needs, while leveraging the startup business model and attempting to scale quickly and enter a variety of markets. The exploration efficient use of technology is therefore absolutely crucial.
  • Clients have already adapted, their profile effectively changed and is different from the one that we were used to. They demand more and ask for targeted solutions, instantly delivered through any one of a variety of different channels. Technology companies show us what is possible, insurers have to keep up.
  • This trend has only just started and innovation won’t be limited to communication, instead progress in areas such as health, motor, entertainment and travel will reshape our products and value proposition, too.

COI. Can you tell us three reasons not to miss the Conference Insurance World Distribution Challenges 2016?

R.D. Insurance World Distribution Challenges is the mandatory meeting for insurance managers. It’s the place to be, to network, exchange knowledge and built new relationships. The attendees are truly top notch and it’s a pleasure to participate.



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