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Marina Oberholzer en #InsuranceDistribution16


Marina Oberholzer

COI. Regarding your participation at the Insurance World Distribution Challenges 2016, could you please give us some ideas about your conference “Can behavioral economics applied to insurance, help to grow and improve communication with the client?”.

MO. It is now 3 years since we started applying Behavioural Economics to Insurance at Swiss Re.

By now, I will share some lessons that we learned from our experience and talk about how we created value for some of our partners.

COI. What are the main challenges, changes and opportunities that Insurance Industry will face within in the next years?

MO. One of the challenges is that we as organizations (and our services) are being compared more closely with other industries – which was not always the case before. A change is that our consumers are perhaps feeling more empowered than ever – by having possibilities to quickly compare options online, asking for opinions in socials forums, and sharing their own stories. An opportunity is that we now have more ways than ever to be in touch and listen to our customers!

COI. Can you tell us three reasons not to miss the Conference Insurance World Distribution Challenges 2016?

MO.If I must only pick three… an exciting topic line-up, an opportunity to network, and a great location!


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